Honoring the anniversaries

January 27th, 2023: As part of the traditional company family celebration at the Liedberger Landgasthaus, six employees were honored for their loyal service to the company.
Karl-Heinz Reidenbach, Vice President of the Düsseldorf Chamber of Skilled Crafts, congratulated the employees as a special guest on their employee anniversaries and presented corresponding certificates, medals and pins.
The names of the well-wishers and jubilarians as well as their length of service are (from left): Thomas Heymanns (40 years), Uwe Görtz (40 years), Karl-Heinz Reidenbach (Vice President Chamber of Skilled Crafts Düsseldorf), Ralph Dominicus (25 years), Annette Nohr (40 years), Ulrike Zimmermann (40 years), Josef Stappen (50 years) and Kuno Schwamborn (Managing Director Hepp-Schwamborn).
In addition, four other employees retired: Peter Schröder (53 years and 5 months), Dirk Grünewald and Reiner Schotten (both more than 45 years) and Edith Remmler (19 years).