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Hepp-Schwamborn as guest in BVMW expert panel on the topic: "How e-mobility is changing everyday business".




May 27th, 2021: Managing Director Kuno Schwamborn and employee Ralf Schlaikier shared their company's own experiences with electromobility with a panel of experts from the BVMW (Bundesverband mittelständische Wirtschaft, Unternehmerverband Deutschlands e.V.).


Among the topics discussed were the current status of the charging station infrastructure, funding opportunities for the conversion of the company's own vehicle fleet, and the operating and maintenance costs of electrically powered vehicles.


The video recording of the online event is provided with kind permission of the BVMW and can be found here.

The article on the expert panel "How e-mobility is changing everyday business" can be found on the BVMW homepage under the following link.



to the overview